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Thursday 1 March 2012

as it is seen...

The Beauty that is God-

Who is God? Who can describe God?  What does He think after creating something?  Does He have a birthday?  Does He sleep?  If He is the Creator then He must be a very busy man…How old is God?  Where did He come from?  Since everything that has been created has usable quality/value, it must be wrong to think that a mosquito or leech is an “uh-oh” or “oops” creation…..
 My childhood was a very busy stage with my mind constantly filled with these questions.  I raised the question regarding the “supposedly” usefulness of a mosquito at home and was given a biology lesson that they are actually frog/fish food and if there were no fish food there wouldn’t be any fish for me to eat! And how was I supposed to have a smart brain? So that’s how my mother made me eat fish and I grew up with my average sized brain, understanding the fact that fishes really are good for one’s health but most importantly that God is super awesome for balancing good and bad and even extracting some usefulness out of BAD. 
The Creation still amazes me and I’m sure it will never fail to amaze me. I hope when my time comes, even the act of dying will be beautiful.  Oh I’m so going to give God a HighFive for His wonderful creation. The Earth is so beautiful, the solar system photos, the mountains, the pictures of forests, sea, animals, the Grand Canyon, even the smallest streams are so beautiful. Imagine God sees these beautiful things all the time.  Maybe it is OK to say the same thing about Man- His best creation. When God created me in my mother’s womb, I was His precious creation.  For Him I am a beautiful sight, but here comes the downside of being human…it is almost impossible to remain beautiful in heart and mind.  That’s when my grandfather explained why Jesus came down and lived among people.  BAD is a part and parcel of our existence, without bad good does not exist. That’s why even when we are dragged down by guilt we have the most powerful tool that only believers can have – the belief in Jesus.
I believe that there is not a single person in the whole wide world who can say that he is CLEAN. I believe that God created BAD so that we realize why Jesus came down and saved us and that the ugliness in us will turn to beautiful when we once again come to Christ. I believe it happens to every believer everyday! We have our own cross to bear but sometimes it becomes too heavy to carry it alone, that’s when we ask Jesus to help. Oh and He carries my cross and I know this because there have been many times when I see that there is no other way, I’m at the lowest point and I really have no other option than surrender and pray. The relief I get can’t be explained, I will never be able to describe the calm and peace that I get after I ask God to take care of me which had earlier seemed impossible to achieve on my own. The magnitude of God’s love, if it can be understood even remotely, is in our daily battle with the world. I face this everyday and everyday I’m reminded that my Father loves me no matter how rough it gets. I have Jesus to pull me up EVERYDAY. For me that’s existence. I want God to see a beautiful being when He sees me, and when I say this I’m actually saying that I’m at war with myself everyday.  I remember my grandmother saying this to me for 25 years now that since we are human beings and until we get to heaven all we can do is pray and come to God everyday. That is something that’s not impossible. As I “evolve” everyday I understand that only being with God gets you through the day, I mean after you know that God will take care, the sense of peace is what beauty really is. Our God is a very practical God, His peace is very possible to achieve and its there so generously for everybody. How do I know this? Try praying for any friend over the phone; just say “let’s pray” (be it a happy or sad occasion or just an ordinary day). You will know what I’m saying the moment you say Amen! Let us all feel beautiful, everyday. God intended us to be this way.
By Precious Kamei